The Compass: How to use different compasses and apply the directions to your floor plan
Everything you need to know about applying directions to your floor plan to make a bagua
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Bringing harmony into living spaces
“We can all achieve our dreams. All we need to do is to believe and to put the world around us into action.”
Vanessa Boren, Consultant, considers this statement to be the basic principle of Feng Shui – The true art of creating living space, an age old wisdom which has its origins in Taoist philosophy.
At certain stages in our lives, we can feel hemmed in, blocked, and know we need to make changes.Such transformations can take form in our homes. Feng Shui teaches us how to rearrange and organize our living space in tune with our aspirations, our desires.
Originally from California and Mexico, after a career as a Fashion Editor in New York and Paris, Vanessa went on a retreat in 1998 to Thich Nhat Hahn's Plum Village in France where she spent a year fostering a true connection to the natural world. After exposure to Feng Shui she embarked on an extensive training program, Vanessa became a Feng Shui Expert in 2000. She also followed Interior Design classes at the famed Ecole Boulle in Paris. She opened the boutique La Maison Feng Shui in Paris in 2004, and then started the Feng Shui Design School, the first in France to integrate Feng Shui into Interior Design. Vanessa currently resides outside Paris and consults and teaches throughout Europe.
In her Feng Shui practice, Vanessa Boren works both with private individuals and businesses. She has intervened on projects in hotels, bed and breakfasts, spas, offices, company headquarters, Interior Design boutiques, an International Boarding School in Switzerland….
Vanessa is the author of "Tout le Feng Shui" in 2009, and "Styles Feng Shui" in 2012, with Editions de La Martinière, and translated her first book into English "All About Feng Shui", that can be found on Amazon and/or Kindle.
Feel free to contact her for a quote for a private consultation for your home or business or to get the schedule to join one of her classes in Paris, France or online classes here on Teachable!